Double Portrait,2005,oil on canvas,140x140cm
Love is a dog from hell I, 2019, oil on canvas, 130x100cm
Love is a dog from hell II, 2019, oil on canvas, 130x100cm
Male figure in a dome,2010,oil on canvas,198x147cm
The Somnabulist, 2011-12, oil on canvas, 198x147cm
Untitled, 1991, oil on canvas, 145x90cm
Untitled, 1991-92, oil on canvas, 100x100cm
Untitled, 1991-92, oil on canvas, 100x100cm 2
Untitled, 2010-2011, oil on canvas, 250x194cm 222
Waiting Room, 1999, oil tempera on canvas, 100x120cm

Veroucas Alexis

Born in Athens, Greece in 1968. He studied Graphic design at The Ceruleum School of Visual Art in Lausanne. After that he studied Art History at the Institut d’ Art et Archeologie, Painting and Lithography at the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris. He has exhibited in many European cities.