Jane Eyre-The Guardians-Mr Rochester,2002,lithograph,84,2x63,5cm
Jane Eyre Poetry and Story – The keeper,2002,lithograph,67x78cm
Jane Eyre Poetry and Story- Bertha,2001,lithograph,30x47cm
Jane Eyre Poetry and Story, 2002,lithograph,56x73cm
Jane Eyre Poetry and Story, 2002,lithograph,78x67cm
Jane Eyre Poetry and Story-Refectory,2002,lithograph,56x50,5cm
Jane Eyre Sensuality and the Stone- Inspection,2001,lithograph,38x26cm
Jane Eyre Sensuality and the Stone- Jane & Helen, 2002, lithograph, 50x72cm
Jane Eyre Sensuality and the Stone- Self Portrait with Grandchildren,2002,lithograph,50x74cm
Jane Eyre The Guardians - Come to Me, 2002, lithograph, 91x58cm
Jane Eyre The Guardians – Undressing,2002,lithograph,83,5x60cm
Jane Eyre The Guardians- Biting,2002,lithograph,77x51cm
Jane Eyre The Guardians- Crumpled, 2002, lithograph, 68x91cm
Jane Eyre The Guardians,– In the Comfort of the Bonnet,2002,lithograph,89,5x65,5cm
Jane Eyre-Poetry and Story -Crying,2002,lithograph,50x52cm
Jane Eyre-Poetry and Story-Dressing him as Bluebeard,2002,lithograph,67x42cm
Jane Eyre-Sensuality and Stone-Schoolroom,2001,lithograph,52x75cm
Jane Eyre-The Fearfulness of the Night (Diptych)- Night ,2002,lithograph,67x54,2cm
Jane Eyre-The Fearfulness of the Night (Diptych)- Scarecrow,2002,lithograph,72,5x56,5cm
Jane Eyre-The Guardians - Jane Eyre,2002,lithograph,85x45cm
Jane Eyre-The Guardians -Up the Tree,2002,lithograph,83x58,5cm
Jane Eyre Getting Ready for the Ball , 2002, lithograph, 82,5x180,3cm
Jane Eyre Getting Ready for the Ball 3 , 2002, lithograph, 82,5x180,3cm
Jane Eyre Getting Ready for the Ball 2, 2002, lithograph, 82,5x180,3cm

Rego Paula

Γεννήθηκε στη Λισσαβόνα το 1935. Από το 1998 ζει και εργάζεται στο Λονδίνο. Έχει εκθέσει στα μεγαλύτερα εικαστικά κέντρα του κόσμου.